Training for Mutual Aid Group Members: Literacy and Numeracy Skills - Budgeting

  • Date:30/11/2025 04:42 PM
  • Location Online Event


Training will take place at a location chosen by the mutual aid group members. This location can be a member's home, a classroom of a public or private school of the communal section, or any other place suited for teaching and group meeting. The Mutual Aid Group facilitator uses this form to report each time training is provided to the mutual aid group members.

Training Report

The mutual aid group facilitator will use the form below to report the number of weekly hours worked and the number of hours of training received by the mutual aid group members.

Mutual Aid Group Weekly Report

The mutual aid group facilitators will use the form below to report the number of weekly hours they worked and the number of hours of training they received. 

Mutual Aid Group Facilitator Weekly Report