Supporting Mutual Aid Groups Work Locally
How it works with Reciprocitas

Reciprocitas organizes among the unemployed Mutual Aid Groups of size 5, 7, or 9 members who provide each one 20 hours per week for carrying out common-interest work in the communal section where they reside.

Each member of a Mutual Aid Group receives, in return, for a period not exceeding 18 months, a monthly participation incentive of 100 USD and 10 hours of training per week.

Creating a Sustainable Society, One Village at a Time

Who are we?
We are a non-profit organization with a tripartite mission consisting of, first, encouraging the creation of local Mutual Aid groups, second, raising and broadening the skills level of the Mutual Aid Group members and, third, increasing civic engagement, solidarity and reciprocity among citizens.
What are we doing?
Over the next three years, our goal is to create in each Communal Section of Haiti, among populations aged 15 to 64 living in conditions of poverty and social exclusion, up to 30 Mutual Aid Groups, each composed of 5, 7 or 9 people ready to work in the area of basic human needs. Each Mutual Aid Group member will provide 20 hours of work per week to carry out common interest work in their communal Section of residence. In return, each Mutual Aid Group member will receive 10 hours of training per week and a monthly participation incentive of US$100.
Why do we use this approach?
According to the World Bank, in 2012 more than 6 million people were living below the poverty line of US$2.41 per day and more than 2.5 million below the extreme poverty line of US$1.12 per day in Haiti. This resulted in an official national poverty rate of 58.5 percent. Available estimates point to a national poverty rate of nearly 60% in 2020. The devastating reality is that many more families are unable to meet their most basic needs.
As a result, these people don't have enough energy to sustain life itself, let alone to invest in the realization of projects of common interest, despite the social good that can be expected from such civic engagement. A participation incentive to encourage the creation of Mutual Aid Groups to fuel and sustain civic engagement, solidarity and reciprocity among citizens is eminently desirable as a very first step.

Our Principles and Core Values
Our overarching principles and core values are reciprocity, integrity, solidarity and respect.

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Mutual Aid Groups Working as Farmworkers, Livestock farmers, Fishery and aquaculture workers, Fruit tree planters, Garbage collectors, Water well drillers, Stormwater basin workers, Livestock barns and shelters builders, Cyclone-resistant house builders, Earthquake resistant house builders, Toilet installation service workers, and Apprentices in a wide range of trade to Create a more Sustainable Society in Haiti.

Unemployed people aged 15 to 64 living in conditions of poverty and social exclusion, who:
  1. Self-organize in Mutual Aid Groups of 5, 7, or 9 people;
  2. Select and establish a location for regular group meetings; and
  3. Agree to:
    1. Provide 20 hours of work per week to their mutual aid group or to a local organization for carrying out common interest work in the communal section where they reside;
    2. Keep their children at school;
    3. Continue to be actively looking for a job; and
    4. Live the fundamental principles and values of reciprocity, integrity, solidarity and respect;
  4. Will receive:
    1. 10 hours of training per week, provided by the Mutual Aid Groups Facilitators or a Partnering Organization to raise and broaden the skill levels of the mutual aid group members; and,
    2. A monthly participation incentive of US$100 for up to 18 months or until the group members find a job or create a small business, whichever comes first.
You can create a Mutual Aid Group by clicking on this link: Create A Mutual Aid Group.

A weekly report is required for each Mutual Aid Group and each Mutual Aid Group Facilitator before receiving  the monthly participation incentive, which is made available via an electronic money transfer company or their mobile phone.
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Creating a Sustainable Society, One Village at a Time

Individuals residing in Haiti or abroad and Organizations operating in Haiti or Abroad can:
  • create several Mutual Aid Groups
  • sponsor several Mutual Aid Groups
  • sponsor several Mutual Aid Group Facilitators
Reciprocitas supports mutual Aid Groups for 18 months. The donation amount required to sponsor a Mutual Aid Group for 18 months is US$9,000 for a mutual aid group of 5 people, US$12,600 for a mutual aid group of 7, and US$16,200 for a mutual aid group of 9.
A Mutual Aid Group Facilitator is also chosen in the Communal Section among the unemployed aged 15 to 64 living in poverty and social exclusion conditions. A Mutual Aid Group facilitator supervises several Mutual Aid Groups. They must have at least a high school diploma. A Mutual Aid Group facilitator receives a monthly participation incentive of US$120 for the first Mutual Aid Group and an increase in the participation incentive of US$20 for each additional Mutual Aid Group they supervise up to a maximum of 10 mutual aid groups.

The Mutual Aid Group Facilitator provides 20 hours of work for carrying common interest work in the Communal Section and receives 10 hours of training per week. The Mutual Aid Group facilitator does on-site supervision visits to monitor the work of the Mutual Aid Groups. They provide training to Mutual Aid Group members, receive weekly training, find new partnering organizations and businesses, and maintain a working relationship with existing local partnering organizations.
Sponsor A Mutual Aid Group Facilitator

Enhanced Partnership With Local Organizations
A Mutual Aid Group, partly or in its entirety, can be assigned to work with a partnering organization operating in a Communal Section to acquire on-the-job skills while carrying out common interest work. Each member of the Mutual Aid Group will give 20 hours of work per week to the partnering organization and will receive 10 hours of training per week from that partnering organization. And Reciprocitas will provide the monthly participation incentive of US$100.
To become a partnering organization, click on: Partnering Organizations Registration

With more than 90 percent of the population at risk, Haiti is highly vulnerable to natural disasters. Usually, after each natural disaster, non-cyclone-resistant houses and animal shelters are rebuilt, the fragile agriculture reorganized, and the livestock repopulated. Repeated cyclone after cyclone, this devastating pattern is simply at the antipodes of building up a sustainable society, which has been long-awaited and so ardently desired.

Crop Production

Crop Production

Making Farm Workers Available Food Security Personal and Financial Security

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Fruit Tree Planting and Home Gardening

Fruit Tree Planting and Home Gardening

More Reforestation Workers Food Security Protection From the Elements

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Livestock and Poultry Farming

Livestock and Poultry Farming

More Livestock Farmers Available Food Security Personal and Financial Security

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Fishery and Aquaculture Production

Fishery and Aquaculture Production

Capture and Farming Food Security Personal and Financial Security

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Access to Clean Water

Access to Clean Water

Water Well Drilling and Rainwater Harvesting Basic Water Needs Health and Comfort

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Flood Prevention

Flood Prevention

Stormwater Retention and Detention Basins Protection From the Elements Protection from Natural Disasters

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Cyclone- and Earthquake- Resistant Houses

Cyclone- and Earthquake- Resistant Houses

Reinforcing Existing Houses Protection From the Elements And Natural Disasters

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Cyclone- and Earthquake Resistant Animal Shelters

Cyclone- and Earthquake Resistant Animal Shelters

Reinforcing Animal Shelters Protection From the Elements And Natural Disasters

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Clean Neighbourhoods

Clean Neighbourhoods

Garbage Collection and Disposal Health and Safety

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Improving Home Sanitation

Improving Home Sanitation

Basic Toilet Facilities Health and Comfort

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Apprenticeship Training

Apprenticeship Training

Learning A Trade Starting A Business/Self-reliance Personal and Financial Security

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Creating a Sustainable Society, One Village at a Time


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Creating a Sustainable Society One Village at a Time

Creating a Sustainable Society, One Village at a Time

This principle refers to a human need and the tendency to give something back when something is received. The idea is that one party will return a positive action in response to a positive action received.

Having integrity means being completely honest in all aspects of life. It is acting according to one's moral beliefs at all times, in all things, and all places. It is doing the right thing wherever one may be, no matter who is watching, and even when no one is watching you.

Solidarity is a social bond of mutual commitment and dependence among a group sharing a common destiny, cause, belief, situation, or circumstance, with the added awareness and willingness to assume and share the benefits and the risks fully and entirely.

Respect refers to the ability to value another person, both their words and actions, even if we don't approve or share everything they say or do. It is not trying to change the other person, not judging them by their attitudes, behaviors, or thoughts. Often, one shows respect in caring for things, both material and immaterial.


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  • Aug 8, 2023

Participation Incentive to mutual aid group members for carrying out common interest work where they reside.

  • Mar 13, 2022

This is a blog article about how to create a sustainable, livable, and hospitable society in Haiti.

  • Mar 12, 2022

This is a blog article about a list of 7 things a mutual aid group needs to do to be successful.

  • Mar 11, 2022

This is a blog article about how to sponsor a mutual aid group in Haiti.

Creating a Sustainable Society, One Village at a Time

  • Gatineau, Québec, Canada

Supporting Mutual Aid Groups in Haiti with a monthly participation incentive
